
Overview High-end Professional Ore Port
Sanduao, also known as Threeshawan. Sun yat-sen loaded it into "The Founding Of The General Plan", known as "In the world, only exist in China" and predicted that Sanduao would be built to be a large port in the oriental world. Sanduao and surrounded, east exploded direction only a 3 km wide sea, is a rare natural shelter harbor. From Taiwan strait into sanduao port 30-115 meters, the main channel of depth, ice free 365 days all the year round can be all-weather port operations. The geographical position is moderate, is connected to the south China sea, the north sea, the strategic hub of east Taiwan strait, has always been to trade port. Sanduao began in the tang dynasty in Hong Kong, xing Ming. As one of the busiest ports in fujian. Is the sea port of the characteristics and potential of sanduao can build very large international cargo transshipment port, as international trade and & have spent . & have spent . & have spent . . . .
开鲁县| 高清| 钟山县| 张北县| 孝感市| 张家界市| 大埔区| 晋城| 兴国县| 威信县| 灌云县| 安达市| 台湾省| 民和| 长泰县| 扶风县| 常山县| 永顺县| 介休市| 礼泉县| 铁岭市| 贵溪市| 新田县| 新田县| 肥西县| 偃师市| 东乌| 永靖县| 洛川县| 习水县| 鄂州市| 长岭县| 和平区| 金堂县| 平乡县| 阿图什市| 鹤庆县| 锡林浩特市| 右玉县| 绥江县| 东辽县|